
What different therapy do you offer during COVID?

I am working online during this time. However, I am trained in ‘Walk & Talk’ therapy, which I can offer as an alternative form of therapy for you.

What is Walk & Talk therapy and how does this work?

Walk & Talk therapy is where we meet at a designated place outside (which I would have risk assessed prior to our session), and as we walk, we talk about any issues that you wish to bring up. We use nature as a tool for focus in our session.

There are boundaries for this therapy, for example if you should see/meet anyone you know, we will agree a code word to indicate that and a subject we will be discussing prior to the session. The route would be within the hour time boundary. We may sit down during this time, in a private place, if we find an appropriate bench or log.

Furthermore, we will have safety procedures, that I will discuss with you, should either of us fall, or need emergency help.

Do I need to bring anything?

You will need to ensure you bring things to keep you warm and dry. It is useful to wear footwear that keeps you warm and has grip on its tread, for example walking boots, wellingtons.  If the weather is too bad, then we will mutually agree to move the session. I do use sites of nature, eg. local woods as our place of therapy which you may need to drive to.

What is the cost for Walk & Talk therapy?

The cost of a Walk & Talk therapy Session is £45 for single sessions and £65 for couples.  Payment is needed on the day for this particular type of therapy, I will provide my payment details before a session begins. If you wish to discuss Walk & Talk therapy, I offer a free 30-minute meet and greet session where we can talk about any queries regarding payment and safety needs or concerns.

What are the advantages of Walk & Talk therapy?

You are able to exercise while you are having therapy. It is outside, so offers space to talk during COVID-19.

What are the disadvantages?

This relies on the weather. You may have to plan the things you are bringing – water, clothing and you have to drive to the location. The walking element can be restrictive dependent on your walking capability. I will try to find locations that are suitable for your individual needs.


© Calm Reflections 2024
Bromley, Beckenham, Orpington, south-east London Counsellor